Monday, 13 October 2014

Sweet potato oatmeal cookies

This time I would like to share a recipe called Sweet Potato Oatmeal Cookies. This is actually a new thing for me to process sweet potato as cookies and cakes since usually I just eat it steamed or boiled (just it, without any addition of other ingredients). But the nutrition behind this sweet tuber made me think that it would be a perfect choice to transform it into my daily snacks with other modifications. 

For those who do not know much about it, sweet potato is one of high fiber carbohydrate sources which could help your digestive system and prevent constipation, and also makes you feel full longer. Different from other types of carbs (especially simple sugar like sucrose or other sweets), sweet potato has lower GI which could regulate your blood glucose levels (this is recommended to be consumed for diabetic people as rice substitute).

The rest of ingredients also have many benefits; oatmeal with its soluble fiber content, chia seeds that has abundant level of omega-3 with low energy yield, cranberry with its ability to prevent urinary tract infection and maintain heart's health, and the relaxing, warm effect from ginger. 

All of the ingredients used are very easy to be found in the supermarkets and organic stores. Therefore, it could be a good "challenge" for everyone's mind to try (or even start) a new healthy lifestyle. However, it does not mean that you should stop eating any other processed food sold in the stores' racks (high fat wafer cream, butter cookies, ice cream, candies, etc. that's all nice!), but keep reminding yourself that the percentage of your healthy eating habits should be set beyond the not-so-healthy one. And always remember that what you eat today will be your investation for your future days!

Friday, 22 August 2014

Banana cake with sesame seeds and almond

Today is the last weekday of my (2 weeks) holiday, and I will enter the fifth semester of my uni next Monday. Time flies so fast, and the subjects are also getting more difficult. Yet, keep fighting is the key to survive, doesn’t it? :)

Anyway, I will share my latest experience in baking; yes! Banana cake had been successfully done in the kitchen. This time, I used white sesame seeds and almond as the additional ingredients. I also made the taste to be not-too-sweet since the ripened banana has already given its natural sweet taste. You will not need any mixer or even scrapper here; just a whisk, spoon, fork, measuring spoon, and bowls. How simple!

Saturday, 5 July 2014

Tapai cupcake

Made this cupcake using tapai / fermented cassava mixed with raisins for the filling. Also, blueberry jam on top of it :)

Sunday, 15 June 2014

Egg muffin

First time making egg muffin with leek and garbanzo nut.
I didn't use any recipe, just mix everything and stop when it's getting enough :)

Enjoy with mayo and chilli sauce. Best served hot/warm. 

Sunday, 4 May 2014

(Carrot) Cake

Good deals behind the cake: 
It was made using palm sugar as part of the sweetener, shredded carrot, raisin, and spekkoek powder for the aroma (commonly used for making lapis legit cake). The texture is really moist even if you keep it for 3 to 4 days :)

*Spekkoek powder is the mixture of nutmeg, cinnamon, clove, and cardamom powder.